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鎴戞牎闅嗛噸鍙 紑搴嗙 寤哄厷93鍛ㄥ勾鏆ㄨ 褰板ぇ浼? 鍖诲 妫 楠岀郴寮 灞曞 鐢熼 楂撶粏鑳炶鲸璁ゅぇ璧? 杞 綔椋庨 瀵艰韩鍏堝 鍗掞紝鎺ュ湴姘斾功璁扮巼鍏堝瀭鑼? 璁ゆ竻褰 娍 鍔犲己甯堝痉甯堥 鍜屽厷椋庡粔鏀垮缓璁锯 斺 斺? 鍏遍 鍏卞缓 鏋勫缓鍜岃皭鈥斺 旈粩鍗楀崼鏍 粍缁囧 鐢熷弬鈥? 鏍 洟濮斿拰鏍 鐢熶細涓捐 鈥滆瘹淇 冭瘯路浠庢垜鍋氳捣鈥? 宸炲 绗 崄涓 鐫e 缁勫埌鎴戞牎妫 鏌ユ寚瀵煎厷鐨勭兢浼楄矾鈥? 2014骞粹 滀袱浼樹竴鍏堚 濇嫙琛ㄥ桨浜洪 夊叕绀? 涓 叡鏁欒偛閮ㄥ厷缁勫叧浜庡嵃鍙戙 婇珮绛夊 鏍 瀵肩彮瀛愨? 瀛 牎2014骞村叕寮 寮曡繘楂樺眰娆 汉鎵嶅拰鎬ラ渶绱х己涓撯? 2013-2014瀛 勾绗 簩瀛 湡鏁欏 浜哄憳鍚 鈥? 銆 銆 銆 銆 脳鐐瑰嚮鍏抽棴. 銆 銆 銆 銆 脳鐐瑰嚮鍏抽棴.
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This is the default welcome page used to test the correct operation of the Apache2 server after installation on Ubuntu systems. It is based on the equivalent page on Debian, from which the Ubuntu Apache packaging is derived. If you can read this page, it means that the Apache HTTP server installed at this site is working properly. You should replace this file. Before continuing to operate your HTTP server. Package was installed on this server. Is always included from the main.